Banca Mondiale
Republic of Turkey - Study on management and development strategies for lagoons along the coastline and their rehabilitation, general planning: 60 lagoons studied and feasibility study preparation for managing 4 lagoons. Project duration: 12 months with 10 experts.
Study tour in Italy. Training courses and Technical Manual on Marine fish fingerling collection, handling, transport and weaning.
In Turkey, Beymelek Lagoon Aquaculture Centre, Antalya, Seabass/bream and prawn hatchery, 180t/year intensive and semi-intensive on-growing farm and national training centre; general planning and detailed design of fish farm and lagoon infrastructures. Technical management: 3 years.
In Lybia, Zawia Hatchery and grow-out farm for seabass and bream 100t/y. Full detail design and tender documents for the farm construction.
Cuba – Casilda, Sancti Spiritus -Pilot plant for controlled reproduction and pre-growing of marine fish: outline design and technical assistance.
Havana – Centre for the controlled reproduction of marine fish and live food production for marine fish larvae: evaluation of aquaculture potential and coastal lagoons, revision of new Centre final design.
Manual on Hatchery Production of Seabass and Gilthead Seabream Vol. 1
APS. Aquaculture planning simulator, software on aquaculture financial analysis and planning.
FARM software Fish Farm analysis and retrieval model, database for the Italian Government for fish farming.
Participation to the study “Mediterranean marine aquaculture market research”:Italian market.
Participation to EU Community Aquaculture Project: in charge of data for Italy
Participation to Fisheries Policy: The role of women in the fisheries sector: in charge of data for Italy.
Project co-ordinator for the FAIR CT98-9110 “Treatment, disposal and possible reuse of suspended solids in the effluent of intensive land based fish farms”
Participation to the collective research project AQUAETREAT n° COLL-CT-2003- 500305 “Improvement and innovation of aquaculture effluent treatment technology”.o Participation to the Co-ordination Action Project AquAgriS n° FOOD-CT-2006- 036928 “Environmental management reform for sustainable farming, fisheries and aquaculture”.
University of Salento: Hatchery drawing, bill of quantities and Market Survey for “Research Centre for Fishery and Aquaculture” in Acquatina (LECCE).o University of Salento: two projects (work in progress).
Settore Pubblico
Settore Privato
Valle Cà Zuliani: hatchery for seabass and sea bream: general planning and design, technical management: 2 years.
Valle Grassabo: hatchery for seabass and sea bream: general planning and design, technical management: 2 years.
Alimenta S,pA, FIAT IMPRESIT Group: Technical assistance to the realisation of a close circuit fishfarm
Assicurazioni GENERALI S.p.A. : technical advice on insurance in aquaculture and damage appraisals
Happy Fish: seabass and bream farm and hatchery: feasibility study and preliminary design of the hatchery.
Maricoltura di Rosignano Solvay S.r.l.: marine hatchery for seabass and bream: detail designs, supervision of construction works, management: 3 years.
ENEL S.p.a. – Civita Ittica: Feasibility Study for filtration improvementso Porrazzito S.r.l. – Study of RAS system critical issues
Ichtyka Aquaculture Centre of Acheloos, detailed design for seabass/bream hatchery and general planning for the entire farm.
Ichthyotrophiki Ellas, detailed design for seabass/bream hatchery.
L’Aquaculture Tunisienne. Seabass/bream hatchery, general planning and design. Management for 2 years.
Timar Ltd. Seabass/bream hatchery, general planning, design and management for 2 years.
Maresa SA bream reconversion hatchery: general planning and design. Management for 1 year.
O. N. D. P . A. Marine hatchery and on-growing farm for seabass and bream using warm effluents of thermoelectric power plant: Cap Djinet: feasibility study and outline design.