
Banca Mondiale

  • Republic of Turkey - Study on management and development strategies for lagoons along the coastline and their rehabilitation, general planning: 60 lagoons studied and feasibility study preparation for managing 4 lagoons. Project duration: 12 months with 10 experts.

  • Study tour in Italy. Training courses and Technical Manual on Marine fish fingerling collection, handling, transport and weaning.


  • In Turkey, Beymelek Lagoon Aquaculture Centre, Antalya, Seabass/bream and prawn hatchery, 180t/year intensive and semi-intensive on-growing farm and national training centre; general planning and detailed design of fish farm and lagoon infrastructures. Technical management: 3 years.

  • In Lybia, Zawia Hatchery and grow-out farm for seabass and bream 100t/y. Full detail design and tender documents for the farm construction.

  • Cuba – Casilda, Sancti Spiritus -Pilot plant for controlled reproduction and pre-growing of marine fish: outline design and technical assistance.
    Havana – Centre for the controlled reproduction of marine fish and live food production for marine fish larvae: evaluation of aquaculture potential and coastal lagoons, revision of new Centre final design.

  • Manual on Hatchery Production of Seabass and Gilthead Seabream Vol. 1

  • APS. Aquaculture planning simulator, software on aquaculture financial analysis and planning.

  • FARM software Fish Farm analysis and retrieval model, database for the Italian Government for fish farming.


  • Participation to the study “Mediterranean marine aquaculture market research”:Italian market.

  • Participation to EU Community Aquaculture Project: in charge of data for Italy

  • Participation to Fisheries Policy: The role of women in the fisheries sector: in charge of data for Italy.

  • Project co-ordinator for the FAIR CT98-9110 “Treatment, disposal and possible reuse of suspended solids in the effluent of intensive land based fish farms”

  • Participation to the collective research project AQUAETREAT n° COLL-CT-2003- 500305 “Improvement and innovation of aquaculture effluent treatment technology”.o Participation to the Co-ordination Action Project AquAgriS n° FOOD-CT-2006- 036928 “Environmental management reform for sustainable farming, fisheries and aquaculture”.


  • University of Salento: Hatchery drawing, bill of quantities and Market Survey for “Research Centre for Fishery and Aquaculture” in Acquatina (LECCE).o University of Salento: two projects (work in progress).

Settore Pubblico

Settore Privato


  • Valle Cà Zuliani: hatchery for seabass and sea bream: general planning and design, technical management: 2 years.

  • Valle Grassabo: hatchery for seabass and sea bream: general planning and design, technical management: 2 years.

  • Alimenta S,pA, FIAT IMPRESIT Group: Technical assistance to the realisation of a close circuit fishfarm

  • Assicurazioni GENERALI S.p.A. : technical advice on insurance in aquaculture and damage appraisals

  • Happy Fish: seabass and bream farm and hatchery: feasibility study and preliminary design of the hatchery.

  • Maricoltura di Rosignano Solvay S.r.l.: marine hatchery for seabass and bream: detail designs, supervision of construction works, management: 3 years.

  • ENEL S.p.a. – Civita Ittica: Feasibility Study for filtration improvementso Porrazzito S.r.l. – Study of RAS system critical issues


  • Ichtyka Aquaculture Centre of Acheloos, detailed design for seabass/bream hatchery and general planning for the entire farm.

  • Ichthyotrophiki Ellas, detailed design for seabass/bream hatchery.


  • L’Aquaculture Tunisienne. Seabass/bream hatchery, general planning and design. Management for 2 years.


  • Timar Ltd. Seabass/bream hatchery, general planning, design and management for 2 years.


  • Maresa SA bream reconversion hatchery: general planning and design. Management for 1 year.


  • O. N. D. P . A. Marine hatchery and on-growing farm for seabass and bream using warm effluents of thermoelectric power plant: Cap Djinet: feasibility study and outline design.